50th Wedding Anniversary

Its hard to imagine that its been 50 years since Laura and I traveled down to Superior Court in Los Angeles to pick a number and wait in line to be married!

This is how these two twenty year olds got married… i have always been proud of our young hearts and the extra courage Laura found to make this journey together.

Laura, you have always been my one and only and I continue to love you with all my heart. ❤️

Food Supply: who’s Lying?

Sadly, it appears that finding the truth nowadays requires the stealth and cunning of a PROJECT VERITAS ! All of a sudden it has become difficult to find those small chickens that so many people love! My autistic daughter loves them and i was at a loss to find them no matter how I looked!

I even checked online and knew something was wrong when i found this offering at Amazon… I said no! i heard many excuses… supply chain or no one wants them anymore!! ha!! Are we selling them all to China ?? Finally, I found 5 two packs at 7 bucks each at Walmart.

So boys and girls… tell us the truth, we can deal with it.

Happy Labor Day !!!

Time is the most valuable thing on earth: time to think, time to act, time to extend our fraternal relations, time to become better men, time to become better women, time to become better and more independent citizens.

—Samuel Gompers, on the 8 hour work day

Age… Its really not a race!

Next month Laura and I will be married 50 years…. and let me add… happily. on a side note, how many years older do you think I am than my wife? no, not 10 or 15 years… 4 months. Soon she will turn 70… and some will remark,” ooou, you really landed a young one!”