CCW’s will change California for the better

Screen Shot 2014-02-26 at 6.18.18 PMCLICK on the picture  to read about the VICTORY in California regarding CCW’s

One never knows how things will shake out, but this seemed like a major step forward in California for the average law abiding citizen. Here’s how the Sheriff in San Diego released the news:


The Sheriff in Orange county California stated that she was going to abide by the decision immediately.

To the east in Connecticut, a little civil disobedience is taking place much to the outcry of some of the areas most liberal newspapers calling for the arrest and imprisonment of those who refuse to turn in their guns to a government that fails to respect the 2nd amendment.

Conn Air

Connecticut may have bite off more than they can chew with 300,000 gun owners and about 6,000 law enforcement . The smart thing would be for the police in Connecticut to drop the enforcement of such a poorly considered law… but then, I have never seen good judgement in anything political in the east… I am still shaking my head in wonder at the banning of 64 ounce sodas in NYC.

September 12th is our 39th wedding annivrsary

Here we are in 1970, engaged in 1971 and married in 1972. Happy 39th Wedding Anniversary, Sweetheart.

In many ways it really doesn’t seem all that long ago when we married in Superior Court in downtown Los Angeles. I remember the Judge Xenophon P. Lang tied our knot along with about 6 other couples. It was an interesting , but meaningful experience as the Judge tried to give a specific charge to each couple.

Karla drew this for our day.

It is interesting to search on the net to find out what a proper present is for a 39th wedding anniversary. The most common answer left me feel that the gift was inadequate… it was ‘lace.’ Laura wanted to do something special… she thought that I might like to hunt something… large…. and I needed the right toy.

My 375 H & H Caliber Interarms Mark X has an interesting history in its roughly 50 years of life. You never know when you might need to stop a charging Buffalo! Gotta love a woman who knows what makes you happy.

Thank you, Laura…. Happy anniversary.

finally biting the bullet

finally becoming a life member of the National Rifle Association

I think I was ten years old when I received my first rifle and I still own it! It was a nice little 22 caliber Winchester rifle which was not very expensive then or by today’s standards. However, I did very well against the expensive competition rifles in contests. Since then I have loaned it out to some of the neighbors when they wished to take their kids shooting. Shhhh, many of the ‘Moms’ still don’t know! 😉 Still, I smile when so many of my liberal female neighbors tell me that they plan to run to my house if ‘something bad happens.’

I have always thought that there was risk in the second amendment — the right to bare arms — but I felt there was an even a greater risk and danger to not have it.  I love the story about one of the fears of Imperial Japan on the potential invasion of our country during WWII. They were concerned  that — in America —  there was ‘a gun in every bush.’ Like so many conquerors, felons and brutes, they all prefer safe ‘soft’ targets to armed citizens.

So, as I approach the second half of my life, I wanted to extend my membership and become a ‘life member’ of the  National Rifle Association …. not a big dream , but an honorable one.

For me, I was proud to make this donation and ‘bite the bullet’.

Roger Freberg

welcome home kristin

my daughter Kristin serving in Iraq
my daughter Kristin serving in Iraq

Life is supposed to be interesting and my daughters certainly love to do curious things. Sometimes they  are a bit too ‘interesting’ for their mother… but I do see much of their mother in them. Laura is a professor who loves what she does and, by her example, our daughters have had the academic experience of both sitting in the seats and at the lectern. They both have masters degrees and have the genuine thirst that comes with life long learners.

Kristin is competent and professional, but her appearance has generated a few comments from friends and family with the moniker “Combat Engineer Barbie.” She just tactfully smiles when she hears it.

Kristin has finished her second tour of Iraq, the first coming at the original invasion in 2003. We have had some glimpses into her life as we all are ‘friends’ on facebook and Kristin has been nice enough to share some of her everyday life with us. Her Army future seems to be planned out for the next few years… and I hear, that teaching for a while at her alma mater West Point may be in the works. With Kristin soon to be on the east coast near Karen, I suspect that they will continue their travel adventures together as Kristin has leave.

In the meantime, welcome home Kristin!



Sarah Palin, Bikinis and what is Not an Ak-47

That's a Vice President worth fighting for!Now, I will confess that I have never been a fan of CNN. Lord knows I have already given their icon Ten Turner the coveted ‘BIG WEENIE AWARD’ at least once. This week was a big one for all the unbelievably stupid comments out there… but CNN falling for the old ‘photoshop’ ploy was probably in a league of their own. They so obviously wanted it to be true!

Now, their stupidity would be bad but it doesn’t stop there! Here’s how the story was covered by others on the net:

“But Lola Ogunnaike, entertainment reporter for CNN’s American Morning, seems to believe the image is authentic. Yesterday she told Reliable Sources host Howard Kurtz that Palin should maybe avoid posing with guns like this, because it might come back to bite her in the ass: I mean, McCain has been really good about painting Obama as this lightweight, using the word “celebrity” as a pejorative. They don’t want to have a boomerang effect. They don’t want that to come back on Sarah Palin, and people say, yes, she looks good in a bikini clutching an  AK-47, but is she equipped to run the country?”

Is this the same gun? Nah!

Do you see what I saw? There is a problem with this. Read what CNN allegedly said and look at the picture again.

I have been told this is Joe Biden in a swimsuit!Holy NRA!  That’s not an AK-47 ( a famous Russian ‘assault rife’… whatever that is supposed to mean). So it appears… at least – according to this popularized snippet – that CNN doesn’t really look very hard at their pictures. Just when you thought they couldn’t be dumber.

As for me… call me ‘old fashioned’, but  IF  this was Sarah Palin… I’d be i-m-p-r-e-s-s-e-d NOT offended. On the other hand, I don’t think I’d want to see Joe Biden, Ted Kennedy, Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton in a swimsuit…  not a pretty site.

BTW, Isn’t that Joe Biden?

CNN thought they’d offend folks… funny how out of touch they are.

Roger Freberg