Mike Garrett

fight on "G"
You brought excellence, spirit and life into the Trojan Family. Thank you

In an age when winning soccer teams have to give up wins in order to make other teams feel better, it was refreshing to watch someone who would not settle for the silver medal… while a gold could be maintained.

From one Trojan to another… thank yo!

in praise of southern cal annenberg school of communication


There is no secret that I have a fondness for the University of Southern California and SC’s reputation for excellence is well deserved. If I were to point to any one issue that SC clearly stands out amongst the rest; it is what folks call ‘the service after the sale!’ When you leave SC, you and your degree still means something to the university and those who came before you.

Most universities have something to offer or they wouldn’t exist, but the experience for many usually ends after the last tuition check is paid. However, at SC, there exists what we fondly call the “Trojan Family.”  No matter where you travel in the world, when you meet someone from ‘SC’ an instant smile appears and a bond reemerges that truly lasts a lifetime.

I thought I’d pop in and see what was happening at Annenberg and found this nice video on youtube. SC doesn’t need my props, but I am continually impressed with their results oriented, practical approach to success and the accomplishments of their graduates.

Fight On!

Roger Freberg

Sea Turtles, matey!

Making a great bisque takes time, patience and quality ingredients
I wanted to make something special for my daughter Kristin. She loves those wonderful bread bowls filled with chowder or bisque. Personally, I prefer a bisque which has a smoother and less ‘extended’ composition. My bisques are basically pureed seafood with cream, brandy and wine,  mirapoix and thickened with rice.

Sauteing the seafood helps to extract the many and wonderful flavors and I use my favorite seasonings along with Thyme and Rosemary. Recipe to follow.

Roger Freberg

PS. I dedicate this to my daughter Kristin and Lane Kiffen the new Head Coach of the Sc Trojans! FIGHT ON!!!!

Rule 1: to be happy, marry the right person


Laura and I have very fond memories of the USC and UCLA rivalry, because in 1969 it was our first date. We were high school seniors and as such my pockets were virtually always empty,I was very excited about  tickets arriving  from both schools for THE big game. I needed only a little money for gas and a couple of meals at Bob’s Big Boy on Colorado Boulevard and I was set. So, I borrowed the family car, dipped into my frugal collection of coins and off we went. The rest as they say is history.

No relationship is perfect, even the very long married will tell you that, but what they will also say is that they remember the good times and celebrate in big ways and small the special events in their lives as a couple. Three years ago, I  wrote about a particularly long lived couple married over 80 years and what they attributed to their mutual long living attraction and love. Laura also  blogged sweetly about the date… so what’s a guy to do?

Not every woman would enjoy a football game on her first date with a new guy, but fortunately, Laura did and maybe that has been the secret of a long relationship… mutual interests, positive shared experiences and the joy of just being around the other person.

Thank you, Laura for everything.
