shellfish vindaloo with the flavor of Brazil

shellfish vindaloo
our Vindaloo with lobster, shrimp and crab

Shellfish Vindaloo

“Vindaloo” is one of those wonderful dishes that is rich in history, travel and taste. I first ran into the name studying Brazilian cuisine, which interestingly enough is where it really started, although adapted widely and augmented by India and others.

Vindaloo is a spicy meat dish often made with Curry and Garam Masala. As you know, both Curry and Garam Masala are spice blends and vary based on where it is made and who is assembling it. Generally a ‘hotter’ curry is used. Here is how Wikipedia  describes the dish:

Vindaloo or vindalu is an Indian dish. The term vindaloo derives from the Portuguese dish “Carne de Vinha d’ Alhos”, a dish of meat, usually lamb, with wine and garlic. Alternate terms are vindalho or vindallo. “Carne de Vinha d’ Alhos” was first brought to Goa by the Portuguese and became a Goan meal often served during special occasions. The traditional Portuguese dish was made with pork preserved in red wine or red wine vinegar, chili pepper, and stewed with garlic. The dish evolved into the vindaloo curry dish when it received the Goan treatment of adding plentiful amounts of spice. Restaurants often serve this dish with chicken or lamb sometimes mixed with potatoes. Traditional vindaloos do not include potatoes, the discrepancy arising because the word “aloo” means “potato” in Hindi.

Most of the recipes on-line show Vindaloo with potatoes but I did see a travel picture of this remarkable dish served with rice. My preference is to serve it ON rice.

Here is my version of Vindaloo

If you a luck enough to travel to Brazil, this is something to try… if not… make some for yourself and someone you love!


my kinda fun

fresh biscotti from the biscotti jar
fresh biscotti from the Italian biscotti jar!

Nothing like having a hot and creamy cup of coffee and dipping a homemade biscotti in it! I have tried and experimented with lots of variations, but I like my original  Macademia nut recipe best. I’ve tweaked the recipe here and there and often add a few extra things from time to time… like a little potato flour… but it is all good.

Karen and Kristin's cards
the right business cards make all the difference

This week Laura and I took a little time to enjoy Los Angeles at ‘El Cholo’s’ and also managed to help our daughters with a few of their travel plans. We were able to run their visa paperwork for them. This year they will be going to the Reputation Institute’s Convention in Rio de Janeiro. The folks at the  Brazilian Consulate were very efficient and the women working there were – let’s just say– attractive. I asked my daughters to bring me a t-shirt!  😉  With so many people  ‘hunkering down’ in this tough economy, it is refreshing to see young people trying to make more of their life and build for their future. This is a lesson we all can learn.

Someone asked what I was doing lately… having a little fun on life’s journey. I hope you do too.

Roger Freberg

how do you like your shark: dried, sour or putrefied?

the cuisine in Iceland is a bit more rugged than most... but looks tasty!

First, don’t think I am being critical of the cuisine of Iceland because it does speak to my more sturdy warlike roots. However, I do think the Viking celebration of Thor with ‘Thorramatur’ would rival the strongest cuisine of ancient Sparta. Thorramatur is a meal served during January and February in the ‘short’ months of light. This meal consists of various dried meats and Icelandic Vodka.  One interesting brand is Reyka and here’s a link . Lift your glass and say “Skål.” As you might have guessed, there are other vodkas, but I am told that the lowest priced version and the most well known outside of Iceland is enjoyed almost exclusively by ‘alcoholics and the homeless’ ( ‘homeless’ in Iceland does sounds formidable and puts a new spin on the term).

Here are a few of the traditional items served during Thorramatur : putrefied Greenland Shark, the testicles of rams cured with lactic acid, blood pudding, rye bread, seal flippers cured in lactic acid,  wind dried fish and the ever popular sheep’s head. Obviously, this is a meal not for the squeamish.  Tradition held that all of  this be served on wooden planks for four people each  in order to create a ‘country’ feel and friendliness to the meal. I also learned what will ‘sell’ Icelandic cuisine to my very Scandinavian wife Laura is ‘Skyr’ — which is a very soft cheese served cold ( are we surprised?) with a topping of sugar and cream and made in Iceland for hundreds of years.

Nowadays, Icelandic cuisine prides itself on the quality of it’s lamb and the innovation of an annual chef’s competition utilizing only the ingredients from Iceland. Of course, for me, they have it all : Icelandic blueberries, thyme, seaweed and mushrooms! For us, the process of ‘fermenting’ fish in its preservation may seem a bit unusual, but not if you recognize that they have been doing this since the 9th century. In addition, smoked meat is an honored tradition and this is where they sold me. They have a smattering of vegetables: potatoes, cabbage, turnips and rutabaga which are often boiled and served along with fish. Be advised, this isn’t a country where a vegan could survive easily.

All in all, Iceland has a very interesting diet, but not exactly for the faint hearted. I do hope to someday visit and become well acquainted. BTW, in my journey, I did find a couple of recipes that although simple in their constructions sound very delicious!

Icelandic Pancakes (or Crepes) with Whipped Cream.

Batter: 3 cups flour, 4 eggs, 3 tbs. butter (melted), 1/2 tsp. baking soda, 1/2 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. vanilla essence, 2 ½ -3 cups milk.

Directions: Separate egg whites and beat until stiff. Mix together all other ingredients and add the egg whites last. Bake paper-thin on a hot cast-iron griddle (about 9 inches in diameter). Spread with preserves, jam or jelly, one tablespoon whipped cream. Fold into triangles. Serve with afternoon coffee or as dessert. (Traditional)

Fried Crullers (Kleinur)

Batter: 4 cups flour, 3 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. hartshorn (ammonium carbonate), 2 tsp. cardamom, 1/2 cup margarine, 4 1/2 tbs. sugar, 7 tbs. milk, 1 egg.

Directions: Mix together the flour, baking powder, hartshorn and cardamom. Add the margarine, sugar, egg and the milk. Work into a dough. Roll out the dough to about 1/8 inch thick. Cut into strips about 3/4 inch wide and about 3 inches long in a slantwise direction, using a pastry wheel and ruler. Make a slit in the center of each cruller and pull one pointed end through. Lower the crullers, one at a time, into hot fat and fry them until golden brown (deep fat frying). Lift them out and let them drain on a paper towel. Serve hot or cold.


Here is the source of the recipes and a link to more on the wonders of Iceland!


Tortilla Española

serving size is 4 per pie and 336 calories (excluding Avocado) per serving
Nothing satisfies more that a Spanish Tortilla and still keep the calories under control!

Laura wanted the Tortilla Española or Spanish Tortilla to begin her week on a happy note. So what’s a guy going to do  ,after all,  I enjoy it too! I added a bit more garnish and some of my own black bean and sweet corn salsa … and it was delicious!

Here , again, is the recipe!

A recipe that our family loves:

a happy satisfied customer!

I hope you enjoy your day as much! Besides, Jenny Craig just might understand this recipe!

Roger Freberg

a spanish tortilla for your valentine

spanish tortilla

Some food are difficult to make because they require special ingredients or specialized training. In this case, the right equipment makes the job a cinch.  I found a great pan — Actually two pans that can connect and disconnect with a temporary hinge at an old friends site. In addition to being extravagantly delicious, it is also relatively healthy… check this out!

nutrition data dot com's analysis of my recipe

As you can quickly see, the Spanish Tortilla is nothing like what we have come to thing of as the ‘Tortilla”… but it is staggeringly good in it’s own right!

Here is my recipe version.

Make it for someone you love.
