2008… going , going…..

2008 is half over!

It is amazing how fast this year is going by… I am reminded with the approach of all the big dates in my life… our anniversary, my wife’s birthday and 2 of my daughter’s birthdays!

Time may not fly… but it passes awfully quickly.

Speaking of changes… look who’s on Facebook?

careful mom and Dad may be watching!

Laura and I joined Facebook for the ease of communicating with our daughters… who now find it easier to download Facebook on their phones wherever they go. My eldest daughter suggested that I put up any projects I am doing as a photo album as her Blackberry can handle it much better than my humungous picture files… sounded like good advice.

So although some folks may be a little self conscious about letting SOME people become part of their “friends” network… it’s not really such a bad idea… you never know who might wind up with one of your pictures! Karen posted an interesting blog on this subject!

Facebook still can be fun… especially if years from now you haven’t posted anything that will haunt you.

Have fun! 🙂

Roger Freberg