bison schnitzel is a snap

“Mechanically Tenderizing” Meat

A while back I wrote about the  various methods of tenderizing meat… one of which was to ‘Mechanically” tenderize as pictured above turning Bison steaks into ‘Schnitzel!”  (I start off with the larger spikes and end with the flat side to return the meat to a smoother texture)… I wrote:

Mechanical Tenderizing:

As the name implies, Mechanical tenderizing is simply beating a piece of meat with one of many of the tools designed for this task. Usually, the hammer-like tool will be surrounded with a variety of spikes with the largest for the toughest cuts. Also available are needle like tools that help to increase the depth that the chemical tenderizers and marinade can reach.”

Personally, I think many game meats lend themselves to this method best… as other techniques tend to turn game into mush.

Bison Schnitzel!

I did brush the Bison with Worcester Sauce and placed into the fridge overnight allowing the flavor to infuse. The next day I added a bit of mustard to my egg mixture and a little salt, pepper and garlic powder to the bread crumbs before frying the Bison… as you can see above it turned out wonderfully tender and flavorful!