before and after Jenny Craig

Actual unretouched photos of me!

Most people don’t know that I was a star of stage and motion pictures. Actually, I didn’t either until I saw myself on the silver screen! I was far too close to the handsome fellow on the left in the beginning and … unfortunately, the dieting hasn’t done anything to offset my short legs or my ‘crown of marble’ !  😉

However, allow me to indulge in giving a plug for Jenny Craig. Laura and I have been on ‘maintenance for nearly 4 years and Laura has never varied more than 2 or 3 pounds from her goal weight. I have  — let’s just say, I have had bigger swings– but thanks to the routine, I always pull things back into line. So , you ask, why don’t people lose weight when they know the benefits of better health, elimination and reduction of harmful medications , reduce depression,  and gain more confidence and energy are the result? Here are just some of the excuses I hear:

1) I never start diets on a Thursday ( or pick your day)

2) It’s all in the genes, I am supposed to be this size! Besides, everyone I know is just like me… a healthy large!

3) None of the programs work for MEeEeee !!!! ( the last word must be said in a whiny voice)

4) I have to give up all of my favorite things: lunches at the all-you-can-eat buffet, a bottle of wine and a few shots of liquor every night …and the quick stop off from work at the local cheesecake factory for a ‘ 5000 calorie snack’!

Actually, there are  only true 2 thing that are true above: number four and the fact that most chubby people have chubby friends which keeps the vicious chubby cycle going. So what do you do, what can you do? Ask yourself how important it is to be slimmer? If it’s important, Jenny should work for you. If it’s not important to you… live with it and smile when you pay for two seats on the airlines… but know that there really is a better way. It’s not easy, but it worked for me.

Good Luck… and I really mean it,
