Cal Poly & Google

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CLICK on the above feed to read about Cal Poly on the Google feed I received!

Like so many, I have some ‘google alerts’ set up to send me news items for a few subjects that I have an interest… it is but one feed. I never expected to see a negative news story about certain subjects… one of them was Cal Poly. Google always appeared to show only sanitized versions of this university. You can only imagine my surprise in seeing the above article on my feed!

Oh, my blog never shows up on the Cal Poly feed… but that is another story.


the second amendment protects all our other rights

CLICK on the above photo to hear about the second amendment and gun control
CLICK on the above photo to hear about the second amendment and gun control

If you look around my page, you will notice that I support hunting and the NRA. So, I am saddened by the discussion of gun control as a wedge issue covering the big issues of our time, including our falling economy, reducing opportunities and jobs.

If our country continues on this self destructive path, there will be a greater need for personal protection and not less.



the courage of Meghan Brown or Bam! Bam! Bam! How is this not a good plan?

nothing finer than a fine lady with a gun
"nothin' finer than a fine lady with a gun" -- Frankie Figgs

Okay, this is a story about — well — self defense, heroism, saving the life of another and courage. These are things you will probably will not find on CBS, NBC, MSNBC or ABC. Try searching “Meghan Brown” ( or other relevant terms) on any of these sites and see what you find? Here are a few screen captures of what I found today!


Where is Meghan Brown? I am sure they would have covered her story IF she was the victim.

Meghan Brown’s story is inspiring.  CLICK here to read it … The story is also covered by countless bloggers over the world… and the British Press!

Congrats Meghan!


remembering a world without a free press

CLICK on picture to be taken directly to the Drudge Report
CLICK on picture to be taken directly to the Drudge Report

There are many people in various levels of leadership who really don’t believe in a ‘free press’ or ‘freedom of speech’ and I am saddened by this. Let us just say, I have heard enough people say the trite, “the people don’t know what’s good for them” as well as the ” I can’t believe Reagan won (80%), because everyone I knew voted for McGovern! (McGovern won only his home state of Minnesota)” to wonder why they really aren’t listening to the rest of us?  The unfortunate truth is that we are always one heartbeat from losing our objectivity. When we (and they) listen, we all benefit.

There was a time before Matt Drudge,  Fox News, the Huffington Post and nationally syndicated alternative radio talk show hosts where the news was  interpreted for us by a few national media outlets and locally by newspapers. Interestingly enough, media folks in those days referred to themselves as ‘moderates’, which amused most everyone. In the ‘old days’, it was almost impossible to have your voice heard, even on the local level. It was an almost impossible task to even stand toe-to-toe with a local newspaper editor… as has been often quoted: “Never argue with someone who buys ink by the barrel and paper by the ton.” This has all changed for the better with the internet. Today, scandals that would have been swept under the rug get to see the light of day. Stories unpopular with powerful entities get a chance to be played. Common sense rules the marketplace of ideas…. but there are those who do not like this at all.

So, I am reminded that without a true freedom of the press and free speech, none of our other ‘rights’ mean much.

Thank you to all those who present another point of view regardless of that part of the political spectrum you sit…. even on the  local level.