how the iPad keeps us talking

Our 'Slideshare ap' on the iPad

I am constantly amazed with the development of social media and the various related technologies that allows for sharing information easily and quickly. Well, in our family, we all have iPads and it has been one of the best investments each of us has made. There is one ‘ap’ (application) that allows my daughters to share presentations with others and even one lucky and ‘curious’ dad. This application is called ‘slide share.’ You tap the  SLIDESHARE  ap and a screen opens up allowing you to search for the person and their presentations, in this case I was looking for my daughter Karen.

look who is posting their presentations on slide share!
You meet the most interesting people on SLIDESHARE

From this point it works just like any other powerpoint presentation. It is wonderful to see what they are up to… professionally.

iPad envy and the ios4 or iPhone

iPad envy is an ugly thing
there is no cure for iPad envy except to buy one!

The iPad was introduced at the beginning of April and the more important (to me) version of the 3G wireless was introduced by the end of the month April 30th! This has been an amazingly useful tool. Karen wrote a blog post in which she describes how useful the  iPad has been in her life.

Oh, I have heard it all! Some folks talk about waiting until the iPad has all of it’s bugs worked out, some talk about the price and some say it doesn’t ‘do enough’ to make the purchase worthwhile. The last point has some merit because if the iPad did more than just Skype then the iPhone would be little more than a convenience.

So, now we are seeing that a lot of folks missed the ipad boat and thought they’d upgrade their phone and get a mini-iPad in the new iPhone or ios4. Unfortunately, for Apple, it appears that  ATT hasn’t really gotten their act together or they were caught flat footed with the incredible pressure for this remarkable new phone.

A.T. & T. and the ios4 or iPhone 4
"Where's the beef?" A.T. & T. and the ios4 or iPhone 4

For whatever reason, A.T. & T. has been given the exclusive ‘golden’ apples in the form of the  iPhone  and the iPad and … they have once again underestimated demand and they were unprepared. Hopefully this situation is being addressed  at A.T. & T. … along with more competitive pricing.

Congratulations to Apple once again, very impressive.

finding interesting applications for the iPad

fun with iPads applications and painting redwood furniture
working on adding iPad applications and painting redwood furniture

One of the fun things we have been doing recently is adding some of the fun applications available for free or with a slight cost via itunes. Certainly, I had to add a couple of Laura’s favorites: tetris and soduku along with the usually presentation, word, graphic and spreadsheet software. This isn’t supposed to be a replacement for a lap top or a phone ( although it will do Skype), but it will certainly do almost everything else!

I wanted to find a background graphic that would be pleasant for Laura and I to see and one of my favorite is of 3 of my four girls up on the Parthenon overlooking the city in Athens.

Karen, Kristin and Laura in Athens!

Oh yes, I had to paint my new redwood bench. The table in the foreground  in the foreground was made 24 years ago with 2×12 redwood and has lasted wonderfully… so I have hope for the second one as well.

Have a fun day,


iPad is whats for lunch and dinner

my iPad
My ipad arrived today... and yes, I am excited!

We all love technology in our family and this coming from a guy who lives in a community that thinks electricity is a passing fad! The simple fact is that each of us recieved an iPad 3G 64GB today and we all looked forward to it with anticipation.

There was only one person who had trouble today and that was me! First, I had to make it work with a router that wasn’t designed for Mac and an entire PC network! Oh well, we missed lunch and dinner but got it done and it is wonderful! Fortunately, Mom is one of those rare breed of women who loves football and technology, so she helped put it all together!

One of my daughters called to tell me she was going poor adding all the aps she wanted, the other interrupted and asked if her sister had found all the ‘free’ aps that were out there? The fun thing is that it is moments like this that bond us fondly together in common interest… and to help Dad stay relatively current!

Technology helps make learning so much easier.

Roger Freberg

iPad envy is a terrible thing

Everyone in my family loves technology, especially something new. Each generation of technology was fun for us to explore. We all joke about the days when updating an Apple meant knowing how to use a soldering iron! I remember cutting into a case to add the first floppy disk, then the 3 1/4, cd and dvd and all the recording versions. If you are old enough, you’ll remember when a floppy handled a whopping 10k of memory and buying a computer without a hard disk. We’ve even beta tested a few items which was fun, especially new video game systems. We smile back at those times. We may never meet any of the geniuses associated with these great devices, but we are grateful for the sense of awe they bring, their usefulness and practicality…. and yes, for the envy it causes in others!  😉

So one day, we are all on the conference phone discussing Apple’s latest mobile devise called the iPad and ‘wondering’ which iPad — if any — is worthy of purchase? After much discussion, we agreed that we each would buy the  WiFi 6G 64GB as it had virtually everything. They’ll be shipped at the end of the month and the only question remains is who will get theirs first?

Here’s a nice discussion on iPad:


iPad — at Apple

Yes, I have heard from a few friends that we are once again being mislead on the quest for truth and enlightenment. We have heard that the iPad is just a fad and this too will pass. They said the same thing about the personal computer thirty years ago.  However, I am reminded of Mark Twain’s famous remark,”denial is not just a river in Egypt!.”

iPad envy is a terrible thing.

Roger Freberg