for a birthday, the meal must be special

Nothing calls to home more than Scandinavian Meatballs!

One of the nicest traditions I have observed is serving the person with a birthday the meal they most desire. It is nice to go out to dine, but something made at home has always been my favorite. Well, my birthday is coming up in a week or so, and since I could have anything I wanted, I wanted to make it myself. Some of you may not think that is a real good birthday present, but for me, preparing something special is fun…. even if it is on my birthday. Besides, much of what I am thinking about can be made the day before and so the actual preparation on the birthday is minimized.

my tiramisu with manfingers
My Tiramisu with 'manfingers' is delicious!

So, I thought that I’d prepare some  Scandinavian Meatballs,  a nice salad and my Tiramisu for dessert. I am still thinking about the wine at this point.

oh yes, let there be Roquefort!
oh yes, let there be Roquefort!

I always enjoy the simple meal on my birthday, I hope yours is as pleasant.

Roger Freberg