dumping the local newspaper

dumping the local newspaper

I made a rather crude graph, but it does make a startling comparison between the growth statistics in the U.S. population and the falling circulation rates of our nation’s newspapers. There may be some logical reasons that might explain some of the discrepancy, but if I were guessing, I would say than many local newspapers have worked overtime to lose a great many of their core users…. and attracted few if any young subscribers. Newspaper circulation today is little more than it was in 1940…. what does that tell you?

To be frank, maybe I felt sorry for their pointy heads and kept my subscription going for years… but no more. Our subscription runs out soon… and it’s already not missed.

So, what goes in it’s place on our breakfast table?  2 iPads! I just went out and bought a second one and we now have two. I have to say that although the cost of an iPad would pay for dirty-ink-on-the-fingers copies of the local rag for a number of years… this newspaper has nothing for me.  Plus, I will not miss the aggravation.

I feel more relaxed already!