Bake some love for your Saint Valentine

An assortment of yummy things is always in order... on the left is some wonderful Amarula Carrot cupcakes, traditional Baklava and then Pecan studded Brownies!
An assortment of yummy things is always in order… on the left is some wonderful Amarula Carrot cupcakes, traditional Baklava and then Pecan studded Brownies!

“Nothing shows loven like something from the oven!” went the old Pillsbury jingle… and so true it is! If turkey is for Thanksgiving , then chocolate, flowers and desserts are made for Valentine’s Day!

Carrot cupcakes are great for all your little Valentine’s out there.

For that special Valentine of mine, I am using a (gasp!) mix from Louisiana of which I am fond for a Red Velvet Cake!

AaAaah... Red Velvet Cake!
AaAaah… Red Velvet Cake!

There are many claims as to where Red Velvet Cake originated… but there is no doubt that wherever it came it has been adopted as a favorite of the American South!ย  This mix comes from Louisiana… the home of all great food. It’s tough to lay your hands on, but so worth it!

Traditionally, folks bake it up into a multilayer cake, but I plan to use a bundt cake pan as “nature and God intended.”

Can you taste the cream cheese frosting??
Can you taste the cream cheese frosting??

Make something sweet for those you love this Saint Valentine’s day!

Happy Valentine’s Day, tough guys!

funny how a suit looked on me after I threw them away... happy Valentine's Day

This is my daughter’s favorite picture… for reasons I cannot explain. I think they would hang it in their dorm rooms to scare off all but the most worthy… which is fine by me. When I see this picture, I think of them.

A good friend of mine wanted to do a chrome shoot ( help his students learn how to photograph chrome) and needed two things: 1) a Harley motorcycle and 2) a great looking male model. ๐Ÿ˜‰ย  So, I felt a bit like ‘Zoolander’ but a bit out of place since none of my suits fit. I was still a big boy at the time ( over 400) and lifting (weights) and a bit cranky at having to pose for hours. It was worth it as they detailed my bike which had been on a long trip.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Ladies!

Roger Freberg

PS. Ladies, if you need to scare someone off, print off this picture and tell the fellow that this is your dad and his new motorcycle that the bro’s gave him for getting out early!ย  Use what works! ๐Ÿ˜‰

tiramisu for you and me on valentine’s day or earlier

Tiramisu is a nice, delicious and easy to make dessert that comes across very nicely on Valentine’s Day. Besides the eggs, cheese, sugar, chocolates and liquors… the other major ingredient is ladyfingers. You can buy ladyfingers almost anywhere, or you can make them yourself… or substitute a wide variety of prepared products… such as Pepperidge Farm’s Milano cookies.

Like many wonders of nature, some times things that look so imposing are actually quite simple.

Laura enjoys her Tiramisu! oh yeah, I had a couple of spoonfulls as well!
Laura enjoys her Tiramisu... yes, I had a few spoonfulls myself! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Here’s how I made it!
