Chili Relleneo in bulk, and not bad

Chili Relleno for one? ๐Ÿ˜‰

I love Chili Relleno, but I wondered if there was an easier way to make a larger size without sacrificing quality? For this challenge I turned to the simple pie plate and a microwave.

Most ‘bulk’ chili rellenos you will find posted are those placed in a casserole dish with the chilis on the bottom ( sometimes NOT stuffed, ugh!) covered with cheese and custard. I am sure it is good, but I want a little custard below the chilis. After thinking about how many microwaved omelets I have made, I thought this might be the ticket for this recipe.

the few steps in this fun dish!

The process is simple: 1) make your egg mixture and place part in the base of the pan and microwave to virtually solid, 2) place your chilis on top, spinkle with your favorite cheeses and cover with remaining egg mixture 3) remove from plate and cover with your Relleno Sauce!

SHHhhh, actually I was going to share this with Laura as she is coming home from a trip, but it really wasn’t all that good… at least that’s my story! ๐Ÿ˜‰ yum!


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