Temple Grandin, the Farm, Autism and Perseverance

Dr. Temple Grandin and Dr. Laura Freberg
The other night Laura and I went to hear Dr. Temple Grandin of Colorado State University lecture about how to ‘calm animals’ and it seemed like I was once again in a Psychology Class listening to Laura discuss ‘habituation’.

Autographed for LauraDr. Grandin — for those of you who don’t know — is also an authority on autism. She — herself — is autistic. While we were there we bought three of her books. We knew Karla would love the books referencing animals… but her book on Social Relationships seems to have been derived from her own study. Just as many of us try to understand the mind with autism… they are working just as hard to understand us.

Dr. Grandin was the personification of what Laura had always speculated about the ‘engineering-type, highly focused and fiercely logical’ mind of a person with autism. Dr. Grandin was brilliant.

Laura has blogged on the event as well…. a very nice discussion.

It was a very enjoyable evening.

Roger Freberg

Dr. Grandin was kind enough to autograph her books…. as shown above.