Dear Dad presents: Hints to make your hubby happy!

the Good Wife from Good HousekeepingSomeone — who happens to be someone I love — forwarded an article posted on an internet site for unhappy academics & losers. (was that over the top — I can’t really tell?) 

You will first notice that the linked article — which first appeared in a 1955 Good Housekeeping Magazine — is full of underlining and unspoken feminist commentary. The article was entitled “The good wife’s guide.”

Rather than provide a critique on the article, which seems rather quaint by today’s standards, I will comment on the underlined passages by our feminist authority.

1)…”catering to his comfort will provide you with immense personal satisfaction.”

Hmmm…. on the flip side, I don’t think there is a guy on the planet who doesn’t understand the saying,’ you know… you can’t be happy, UNLESS, she is happy!”

So, what is she saying? “Catering” to someone is degrading? Somehow, I visualize this woman as hopelessly single with 12 cats. (HINT: she is a Psych Professor — so she’s half way there)

2) …”show sincerity in your desire to please him.”

Where’s she been? This is the oldest lesson on the planet. Hey, when I have daughters sitting on my lap, feeding me chocolate chips cookies and telling me they looOoove me!… I know where this is going. I just say,”hun, what can I do to make your life better?” Cash works good and they’re on their way. Actually, my girls don’t have to work even that hard…. and my wife even less.

As for pleasing someone you care about, I can’t see anything wrong with that.

3) …”remember his topics of conversation are more important than yours.”

Well, everyone gets their turn in a fair world.

 Fortunately for me, I married someone who likes to talk about the Superbowl and not the Oscars… but if she did, I’d probably listen and be ‘in a happy place.’ Continue reading “Dear Dad presents: Hints to make your hubby happy!”

Can a couple be honest with each other? … Can you both take it?

Pregnant Angie with childAdvice from Women is just that and why do we expect any more than that? 

Today, I was reading an advice column about a woman who had an ‘active social life’ ; however, now, she is attracted to a man with no or little past experience. They have discussed what went on before they got together and she has been somewhat forthcoming… but incomplete. Here lies the understandable conflict. 

The female advice provider was basically taking the position that it is ‘none of his business’ regardless of how many ‘notches are on her belt.’ The ‘it’s his problem’ is a very typical comment by women of men as it absolves them of any responsibility in being open and honest. (It’s funny how some women who profess the need to be with men who will talk/listen to them… can suddenly become silent on subjects in which they lack self confidence, have guilt or fear rejection.)

Continue reading “Can a couple be honest with each other? … Can you both take it?”

Hmmmm…. Nancy, your behavior says something to me… are you menstruating?

the Female BrainWhat is really fun in all the nature vs. nurture debate going on is how recent discoveries in biology are causing… well… some academics to run naked into the woods screaming! I have to tell you that I just love it!
The debate is at the heart of many — excuse the expression – liberal fantasies. Some people like to believe men and women are exactly the same in all ways. I shouldn’t say this … but I have noticed a few wonderful differences. These same people will tell you that Johnny turned bad because of low self esteem, bad neighborhoods, abuse, neglect, and our evil American society.  Well, ‘environment’ does affect ‘gene’ expression, but biology has a lot to do with who we are and the studies that are coming out are showing exactly that.
In an article by Peg Tyre and Julie Scelfo of NEWSWEEK entitled, “why girls will be girls” they – in part – review a new book by Louann Brizendine called “the Female Brain.” (By the way, you can pick it up on
Abe very inexpensively… check it out!… here’s the direct link) Continue reading “Hmmmm…. Nancy, your behavior says something to me… are you menstruating?”

RESEARCH ALERT: a ‘beautiful’ couple will have daughters!

the beautiful peopleAaaaahhh, I love research that confirms that I am a ‘beautiful’ person! Is it self serving to publish only those things that make you look wonderful? Nah!

Anyway, some musty old scientists have discovered that a beautiful couple will on the average produce daughters!

 Every ‘beautiful’ athlete I ever met had quite a grouping of children. In fact , for a very long time, I actually wondered if old shotputters ever produced anything but daughters? I have 3 and they are wonderful.

Back to the story.  In an article in the British Times by Steve Moxon , he quotes the scientists thus:

“We have shown two things,” said Dr Satoshi Kanazawa, who led the research. “Beautiful parents have more daughters than ugly parents, because physical attractiveness is heritable and because daughters benefit from attractiveness more than sons. ” Moxon quoted research as showing: “According to research, attractive parents are 26% more likely to have a daughter than a son as their first child. It is an inexorable process that has resulted in women becoming increasingly more attractive than men”.Dr. Kanazawa also added,“We have also shown that women on average are more attractive than men, because over evolutionary history the slight bias of beautiful parents to have more daughters has accumulated, so that girls have become more and more attractive than boys.” ow! Soooo, guys are getting uglier and uglier and girls are getting prettier and prettier. Yep, seems like that to me, too!

I know I made out well on that deal.

Roger Freberg