Sports: it’s a guy thing!

A true fanatic... but NOT a cute guy... sorry ladiesWell, we’re talking about ‘sports’ again… so you gals can head out to the mall. heh heh

Not that any of us guys didn’t know this… but guys like sports and many women don’t. There really is a science behind male fanatic behavior.  Ah ha! you say…. that means SOME women like sports? Yep, the women who like sports are just about the most beautiful creatures that God has ever placed on this earth…. I know… I married one and produced daughters who love sports too… especially football.

If you don’t believe me that women who love sports are a RARE commodity… I have PROOF! This past weekend, while my daughters and my wife and I were all watching football (down boys… only two of those females are single), we watched an ad for

A Football Loving Couple brought too you by eharmony.comWhat was so unusual about the ad you ask? Well, this is kind of an ‘advanced dating’ site that delves deep into your personality and looks to see if you can share the housework and if she can watch football while giving you a sensual backrub.

 The eharmony man said that he was looking for a woman who liked to watch football… and the only thing they now apparently fight about is the fact that she is a Brown fan and he is a Steeler. Holy , drop the remote, Batman! I could just see millions of guys logging on to eharmony…. while their girlfriends/whatever were out at the mall.

Go get a good one this time, guys! The guy pictured on the left FOUND his football loving fiance’!

Now , in fairness to the women out there, guys. A new scientific study in the land down under has revealed that boredom causes death. So, if you share in the housework , you are actually becoming less bored and increasing your life expectancy…. here’s a short quote:

“The more free time a man has on his hands, the more
likely he is to suffer poor health and die young, a new study
of time use by Australian men has found – and not just
because he is more likely to engage in unhealthy or risky
behaviour such as drinking to excess.

The in-depth study of time-use diaries kept by almost
200 Victorian men, presented by Leonie Bloomfield at
a Social Policy Research Centre seminar yesterday,
found the boredom and lack of meaning most men
reported during such free time acted
independently to increase mortality risk.

Dr Bloomfield said it was not clear why or how such
boredom was a health risk but it was possible boredom
led to anxious and depressive states, which then
hindered the functioning of the immune system.”

Have a Football Party! My wife Laura with daughters Kristin and KarenSo… let’s have a football party… then let’s all help cleaning up. Play together, work together and life is never boring!


PS.  Well… our Southern California Trojans have another date with destiny coming up very soon and this time it’s with the Huskers of Nebraska… and they are really trying to stir up their troops!

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