tune in, turn on and drop out?

"Marijuana legalization first made the California ballot back in 1972–when it was also called Proposition 19."
"legalizing marijuana -- a blast from the past"

First, NO,  I am not voting for Proposition 19 and YES, I know that there is a good chance it will — unfortunately — pass in California. The history of drugs in America is hard to find on the internet. So, if you read everything on-line , you might believe we have never been in this position before…a time when drugs were legal. I find it darkly amusing to read the articles and blogs on this subject, it’s kinda like listening to a bunch of kids acting as though they just invented sex.

In reading what’s out there, I am reminded of George Santayana’s almost cliche quote: “those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Addiction in America has been a long standing challenge that finally received national and local attention after the country was unable to find enough non addicted men to serve in World War 1. However, local, state and the federal governments did impose a few draconian solutions. Often after times of extreme indulgence comes times of repression and it usually isn’t pretty. We may not like where this future takes us.

However, sad to say, but sometimes, things have to get a bit worse, before they have a chance at getting better…. however, I am not convinced,  I am still voting NO …

ending information poverty

Laura's textbook can be found in many places around the world. CLICK the picture to read about Discovering Biological Psychology

If not for the internet, many of us wouldn’t be able to follow the World Cup or — more importantly — discover South Africa’s fabulous recipes for ‘Bobotie!’ For some of us, we do remember a time before the internet, for others they do not know a world without the web.

What are the real legacies of any civilization? I would argue that knowledge and experience shapes and defines what people become and that sharing this collective wisdom is what brings out the best in a society and thus defines them.  The exchange of knowledge, news, stories and information can change the world and often for the better.

By contrast, restricting information creates arbitrary sources of power that can be — and often is — harmful to any society, especially to a free one. I have often thought it was the lack of access to information and communication that creates social problems, economic shackles and impoverishes society. The lack of information and the inability to communicate is a poverty we can not see.

So, when most people think of ‘information poverty’, they think of the inability to have access to basic books and cutting edge scientific research and that well may be true. Availability is a problem that can be addressed but restriction is another. Back in 1993, while in New Zealand, I observed a discussion regarding ‘information poverty’ in Africa and strides are being made. Australia knows too well the value of information as they lead the way with school room classes over radio then television decades ago. Back in 2008, Google wrote a short blog about  information poverty.

Laura's Psychology Blog
Laura's Psychology Blog as viewed around the world

Personally, opening up the internet and making it affordable worldwide has and will continue to make huge strides in reducing information poverty, promoting understanding and increasing communication across the planet.  As we make the world smaller, it becomes more understandable, interdependent, and economically viable.

got iPad?

got ipad?

While I was listening to Laura provide an interview to Swedish media on the positives and negatives of internet connectivity, I pondered whether or not all of this connectivity really had any negative side effects? I can’t help but see the positive aspects when one meets an old friend for coffee after reuniting first on facebook. Friendships maintained, discovered or rediscovered, no matter the form of communication are probably a good thing for both the individual and society as a whole.

My daughter posted a link to a new site for ‘foodies’ called ‘yummly’s.’ It’s an interesting site, but most if not all of the links to recipes are not from individuals but from large group recipe mills Personally, I love to search the internet and find how someone in Peoria bakes a cake or  how a home chef cooks Bobotie in South Africa. Maybe Yummly will get more useful , only time will tell.

Which all brings me to iPad. How did we get along without it?

iPad envy and the ios4 or iPhone

iPad envy is an ugly thing
there is no cure for iPad envy except to buy one!

The iPad was introduced at the beginning of April and the more important (to me) version of the 3G wireless was introduced by the end of the month April 30th! This has been an amazingly useful tool. Karen wrote a blog post in which she describes how useful the  iPad has been in her life.

Oh, I have heard it all! Some folks talk about waiting until the iPad has all of it’s bugs worked out, some talk about the price and some say it doesn’t ‘do enough’ to make the purchase worthwhile. The last point has some merit because if the iPad did more than just Skype then the iPhone would be little more than a convenience.

So, now we are seeing that a lot of folks missed the ipad boat and thought they’d upgrade their phone and get a mini-iPad in the new iPhone or ios4. Unfortunately, for Apple, it appears that  ATT hasn’t really gotten their act together or they were caught flat footed with the incredible pressure for this remarkable new phone.

A.T. & T. and the ios4 or iPhone 4
"Where's the beef?" A.T. & T. and the ios4 or iPhone 4

For whatever reason, A.T. & T. has been given the exclusive ‘golden’ apples in the form of the  iPhone  and the iPad and … they have once again underestimated demand and they were unprepared. Hopefully this situation is being addressed  at A.T. & T. … along with more competitive pricing.

Congratulations to Apple once again, very impressive.