tune in, turn on and drop out?

"Marijuana legalization first made the California ballot back in 1972–when it was also called Proposition 19."
"legalizing marijuana -- a blast from the past"

First, NO,  I am not voting for Proposition 19 and YES, I know that there is a good chance it will — unfortunately — pass in California. The history of drugs in America is hard to find on the internet. So, if you read everything on-line , you might believe we have never been in this position before…a time when drugs were legal. I find it darkly amusing to read the articles and blogs on this subject, it’s kinda like listening to a bunch of kids acting as though they just invented sex.

In reading what’s out there, I am reminded of George Santayana’s almost cliche quote: “those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Addiction in America has been a long standing challenge that finally received national and local attention after the country was unable to find enough non addicted men to serve in World War 1. However, local, state and the federal governments did impose a few draconian solutions. Often after times of extreme indulgence comes times of repression and it usually isn’t pretty. We may not like where this future takes us.

However, sad to say, but sometimes, things have to get a bit worse, before they have a chance at getting better…. however, I am not convinced,  I am still voting NO …

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