cal poly and looking in the mirror

"when you look in the mirror, it's nice to like what you see"
"when you look in the mirror, it's nice to like what you see"

In a local  web site and in  Cal Poly’s student newspaper , each reported that the proposed joint venture between Cal Poly and Saudi Arabia failed – in as much as a contract was never signed. This was a project that was doomed as soon as it went public and the real question is why it took so long to die?

The Cal Poly student newspaper gave no apology or admission of wrong doing by the administration … the only thing really reported was of the project contract’s failure to be signed. Admitting one’s mistake is the first step to ensuring it won’t happen again…. or is it they just regret being caught?

“Noori’s assistant, Jo Ernest, stated that “the agreement was not signed by all the parties,” and consequently did not come to fruition.

Dean Noori was unavailable comment on the apparent end to the collaborative effort.”

I am not convinced that the project is dead, I think it has merely gone underground and time will tell if it resurrects itself in some form or fashion. I do not feel like gloating as far too many whistle blowers risked their careers to bring this information to the public eye and for that many of us thank them sincerely.

Hopefully, Cal Poly will begin the process of looking in the mirror and making the necessary changes until they like what the rest of us want to see…. and this — IMHO — starts at the top.

Roger Freberg

Here’s one of  my last posts on the subject with links for those who missed all the fun

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