Soccer will RULE the World!… so she says

Got Soccer? I am so sorry... 

The other day while we were enjoying a bit of coffee at a local shop, we witnessed a meeting of what only could be part of what I jokingly refer to as the failing ‘world soccer conspiracy.’ Four women and one petite, quiet & beaten on man entertained the coffee shop… they took themselves so seriously… which made this ol’ boy smile.

It was evident that they didn’t have an agenda …nor could any of them run a meeting. It was just like sitting at the local ‘PTA.’ ….Pointing fingers and laying blame for alleged attendance failures, poor refs, not generating enough ‘buzz’ or ‘hype’…. and the inevitable ‘why isn’t my kid playing more?’ whine. Sheeeeesh… it was a sad momment!”

Fortunately, using their collective brain works, they ‘discovered’ why soccer is failing and why other sports ‘surprisingly’ succeed… in one word…it was all due to “ice.” These ‘soccer ballers’ claimed that sports succeed by having the right amount of ice on hand, without enough ice… all sports fail. Huh? Hmmmm, I always have enough ice on hand, so maybe they’re right.

Seriously, in America, sports is more than a political statement… it’s entertainment and a way of life… and a uniquely competitive cultural arena for our time, interest and money. With all this competition, Soccer just doesn’t ‘make the cut’.

Yes Ma’am, soccer may someday may succeed in America… but not today.


Roger Freberg

Trojan Football is coming… “Mui Macho!”