California’s perfect storm is here

midterm elections
My daughter Karla asked that I post her drawing... a little cruel... and a more accurate drawing would have been multiple political persuasions taking satisfaction.

 The elections are finally over and although I think the voters have reacted fairly predictably to the actions of our government, I think the future holds the key. What happens in California will be interesting to watch.

California has just elected democrats from top to bottom. What constraints on ‘revenue enhancement’ were once there, were lowered by an electorate wanting to see the state solve their budgetary problems. I do understand the desire to see California recover, but I am doubtful that anyone in government knows how to get there.  Too many people forget WHY  the original constraints were placed on the state to start. California voters wanted to prevented our state from reaching deeply and continually into the easy available pockets of Californians to solve their budgetary woes…. as they were so fond of doing until Prop 13 came along. What we forget it seems, we are doomed to repeat.

As for those who said that things will have to get much worse before things get better, they just might get their chance in watching what happens in California.

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