Aaah, it Election Time! sooo… bring on the Attack Ads!

Everyone knows that politics is a dirty business. They say if you ever want a geneological search done on your family… just run for an elected office and someone will do all the research for you!
Fat Bastard for Congress!  Running on nothing but being dead sexy!I mean they are already picking on my candidate Fat Bastard saying he was caught wearing a dress… it’s a kilt for God’s sake! But I am sure the slimers won’t stop at this… they’ll even look into the fact that he has many lady friends.

Well… you can tell it is election season because the ‘attack ads’ are in bloom! Everyone seems to be watching the polls to see which way the wind is blowing in order to fine tune their political position. This is getting harder and harder for some folks who have tried to fight any effort that would discourage bad guys from coming to our shores. In any event, as the polls suggest, the big issue in this campaign is “who’s gonna make us safer?”

This is kinda surprising given the fact that economic and other domestic issues have been so central in other elections. Who could forget then candidate Ronald Reagan asking the rhetorical question,” are you better off today than you were 4 years ago?” Well, the economy sucked with double digit inflation , so we sent the peanut farmer back to his plantation.


But that was then and this is now… and it will be interesting to see if folks want to ‘change horses in the middle of the stream?’ For all our sakes, I hope not.  

In any event , it has been fun to see how the nasty political ads have been poping up… obviously, not about the issues … but about associations. One of the recent innovations has been to use animations… a technique that ad agencies learned years ago make any ad more memorable.

California’s Arnold is looking like a hands down favorite in his reelection bid in California… we’re all going to vote for him… partly, because there is really no choice. Local and State candidates are looking into our pockets to solve their budgetary woes… except Arnold. However, it hasn’t stopped some of ‘Fickle Phil’s’ supporters from doing some pretty funny stuff:

Click for Arnold’s Neighborhood

As for me, I just can’t vote for folks who will raise my taxes, place my family in jeopardy or refuse to realize that we live in a world that is getting smaller and more dangerous.

Roger Freberg