John Kerry… relishing his award!

the coveted Big weenie Award... only presented to those most worthyIt is hardly a day that goes by when someone doesn’t do something worthy of being awarded the coveted ‘big weenie’… but one man continues to stand out day after day as inspirational. He is a true piece of work… in progress.

Aspiring to still yet another term term as presidential ‘runner-up’, John Kerry continues to find it hard to remove his big spoiled silver foot out of his mouth. Recently, he has managed to insult just about everyone… and now, he throws a below the belt punch to our men and women in uniform. I guess it worked for him during the Vietnam War… so he thinks it’ll work again.

John, the committee was unanimous, this slippery weenie is for you! It’s a full three inches.

Thanks to YOUtube, we, too, can see & hear exactly what he said… and here is the link for as long as it lasts… I have also tried to faithfully transcribe the text below…

… you know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, do your homework, and make an effort to be smart…uh… you can do well… if you don’t… you can get stuck in Iraq.

John Kerry ... working hard to take us down... again








I really didn’t expect to see you wear an American Flag lapel pin… it’s not your…er … style.

Thanks for the Halloween trick… fortunately most of us are beginning to see through your mask.


Roger Freberg