if it’s 7pm it must be Greece!

traveling with the fam!
traveling with the fam!

UPDATE: First set of pictures from the trio!

Were they happy to see me or were they gloating, or both?  I screen captured the picture above from our most recent  ‘Skyping’ session ( video conference call … 9 am my time and 7 pm their time). By the way, Laura is brilliant … but troubled in trying to keep time zones straight in her mind… even with a helpful chart I made for all possible locations, a phone that does world time and a computer… she still gets lost. I am glad I have something I can help her with!

From what I have learned, Laura walked our two daughters around Athens everywhere! Laura also shared some of my homemade Baklava with Karen and Kristin. In fact, I think both Karen and Laura had two pieces… Jenny Craig will just have to understand! By the way, it’s over 90 degrees there right now… 36 degrees centigrade or 96.8 F. I’d say that was a bit ‘warmish.’

Tomorrow, they have to do what they came to do in the first place… they present at the 3rd International Conference in Psychology. My ladies have always embraced technology, the internet, web design, social media sites and ‘twitter.’ They know html and where their ‘executive bat file’ happens to be located, how cool is that? I do the best I can to keep up. Eventually, Laura and Karen’s interests found common ground resulting in a research project and a presentation!

Fortunately, they keep everyone updated by uploading their pictures on Facebook and blogging. Technology keeps us all in touch!  Just one piece of advice, ladies:

“Take every opportunity of enjoying yourself!”–Mrs. Bennett in “Pride and Prejudice.”

accommodations in Athens: St. George


3rd International Conference in Psychology

Love — Dad

More Skyping….

Testing out SKYPING
Testing out SKYPING

Laura and I have skyped with out daughter Karen while she was in Amsterdam and at her home in Tennessee, but we really wanted to test our systems together before Laura met Kristin and Karen in Greece… and hopefully, find time to call ol Dad once in a while. I like to get calls that don’t involve trying to solve long distance issues… but it’s good to get any call sometimes.

So, what was or final ‘acid test’ you might ask? Laura is in Los Angeles International Airport ready to board a plane for Greece and Skyped me! Well, we learned fairly quickly what a big drain on the battery the video was and decided that Laura would have to run it while plugged in over in Greece. Fortunately, she has the plug converters needed for virtually any country… something we also anticipated on a trip years ago to Australia.

Anyway, it doesn’t quite make up for being here and they being THERE… but it’s fun  — in a way — to share the experience in their faces.

Have fun, ladies!


Christmas Baklava

Christmas Baklava
Christmas Baklava

In many places around the world there are special desserts for really wonderful holidays and our house is no exception. So far we have talked about two: Baklava and Eggnog. These are two ‘treats’ that surround the Christmas season but not the meal itself.

As for Baklava, some folks place a lot of meaning in the number of sheets used above and below the ‘filling’ layer… as in the days before and after lent… but I am unaware that ours ( 4 filling layers) has any meaning other than to be delicious ( 8 sheets – nut filling -8 sheets – nut filling -8 sheets – nut filling -8 sheets – nut filling -8 sheets of Phyllo dough).

I am going to take a break from recipes today as Karen has given me 10 cubic yards of rocks to move in and around my garden… ah… thanks Karen!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Roger Freberg

Party at Jenny Craig in San Luis Obispo

Jenny Craig San luis Obispo!

Today, the “Skinny Chef” visited the client appreciation party at Jenny Craig in San Luis Obispo! We had a great time!

Laura and Karen started off by joining Jenny Craig back in November of 2006, I joined their noble effort in December of the same year. In total, we have lost over 240 lbs. together (Karen, Laura and I have each lost 80 lbs each… or more).

Here are the pics of the Jenny Craig Party!

LINKS to our Jenny Craig Pictures!

Such Fun… PLUS everyone loved my Amarula Carrot Cake!


More Recipes!

2008 Olympic Games & Beijing!

Karen (Kailin) and Kristin found a lot of fun things to do in Beijing!

Earlier this summer, Kristin and Karen went to Beijing…. part business but all fun!

Kristin loved playing the tourist! Here she is with one of her Mulan friends!
I found that both their mother and I enjoyed listening to the experience and the occasional phone call while they were in China.

Here are a few links to their fun times:

Day 1
forbidden city
( Gu Gong )

Day 2
Great Wall
Ming tombs

Day 3 & 4
my Presentation!
Vietnamese Dining
Temple of Heaven

Day 5
Beijing Capital Museum

Day 6
Peking Duck!

The Olympics starts on Friday! Good Luck to everyone!

Roger Freberg