Wall-E says ‘You’re Fat’… get over it

Wall-E features loads... and I mean wide loads of fat people!

Yesterday, Laura and I went to see the new hit movie ‘Wall-E’. It was a relaxing diversion with a sweet — and some might say – romantic ending.

However, there was quite a bit of distress in the audience causing squirming in the seats and a virtual ending of the frequent sounds of the spilling of popcorn, munching of goodies and sloshing of drinks. What was so shocking that all activity stopped? It was the representation of the ‘human space travelers’ that had over the course of a 700 year evolution ‘evolved’ into reclining ‘lardos’… watching t.v. , eating junk food and ‘living’ 24-7 from their traveling recliners! It was not a pretty site … and for those in the theater who felt ‘fat’ … it stopped them cold. This was good, it made them think!

However, the ‘fatties’ and the ‘codependents’ on the internet have launched a huge ruckus about the allegedly anti-fat people bias of the movie. Frankly, I think it is a public service. The message is simple… lose weight and become more active.

Try and find a picture of the ‘fat astronauts’ of Wall-E on the internet… I found the one above and that’s it! Sounds like the ‘fat is ok’ groups have exerted some pressure. You’ll just have to go to the movie.

Hey, I’ve been there. Being fat may not be a choice, but staying fat is.
However, no ‘self help’ group is going to get some gargantuan human to shed a few pounds without a little pain… sometimes all it takes is for us to look into a mirror or watch a movie of what can logically happen if you allow weight gain to get outta hand! By the way, those who know me, know that I am from the old school that reminds folks where ‘sympathy’ is in the dictionary… between “sh*t and syphilis”… so — a while back — when a good like minded friend of mine told me I was ‘fat’… I shrugged which said to him that I ‘needed a second opinion’…. so, he quickly added ‘and you’re ugly ,too!’ ouch!

I can live with the ‘ugly’ part, but the fat is gone thanks to Jenny Craig… and it can happen to you too!

Roger Freberg