Fixing the Spa House Roof

the Pharaohs have returned!

About 15 years ago, I assembled a Philippine Mahogany Teahouse that arrived in a crate without instructions and only a small picture! I got a great deal on the house since it had been sitting in a warehouse for three years or more gathering dust! Then came the Laguna fire here in California and everyone wanted to buy it back! ha!

Although it is a wonderful teahouse, I knew that it would have problems down the road with our weather and our 40 mph plus afternoon breezes! Eventually the roof came tumbling down and I needed to fix it. It’s now a ‘work in progress’. I am no contractor, but engineer Kristin (my daughter) gave me some pointers and I was off and running.

I have added 3 skylights which will be wonderful at night with company and a little champagne.

a skylight makes all the difference

I still have a long long way to go… finishing the roof, painting, varnishing….

Roger Freberg

PS. I remember when I first put the spa together in the tea house… I was filling it with water and turned around to see my three little daughters in swim suits ready to dive in! It was cold… but they didn’t care!