quaker oats steel cut is great

quaker steel cut oats
My Quaker Steel Cut Oats Arrived! CLICK on picture for manufacturer's site

The last post I made on the subject of steel cut oats ran along the lines of  ‘I wonder if Quaker makes this?’ I checked it out and found that the best way for me to buy this was on-line. Our ancestors in San Luis Obispo are used to buying at a great distance. A hundred years or so, people here abouts would by everything from clothes to prefab homes via the Sears Catalogue of their day. We have some aspects of civilization, but most of us have to go on line. 😉

Anyway, I ordered my oatmeal and checked it out… perfect!  For guys like me who lived on this during my youth and young struggling times… it is a wonderful memory.

I hear they have it at Target out West… but that’s a ways for us!