little temptations and the diet

hungry during a diet?
Hungry during a diet? That’s normal… but why do I always find interesting things to explore when I am dieting?? CLICK on picture for something fun!

 I have always found dieting a bit challenging, after all it doesn’t seem at all a very natural thing to do. However, I am sure the evolutionary psychologists might tell me that periods of feast and famine were very nature in the human experience and that I am only duplicating the experience of my ancestors. However, knowing why I do something doesn’t make it any easier.

Obiously the tempting Concord Grapes dangling over 12 feet of picnic tables and patios is only a slight irritation, but finding recipes new bagels designed to hold several times the goodies that a regular one might hold doesn’t make it any easier! CLICK on the picture above to see what I mean.

With Thanksgiving not all that long away, I am ready for something extravagant… maybe, another yummy Ostro-Turgoosen ducken bird!
