Michael Kors “First-Ever Catalog” a hit… with me.

Michael Kors and Neiman Marcus CatalogsI recieved a couple of catalogs in today’s mail… the mailman must have been very impressed.

As the person who can speak ‘fashion’ with his daughters and wife… I found it adventageous to scan the offerings.

What’s obvious is that both contain sample fragrances. The NM contained ‘Valentino” for women… which to me… could best be described as ‘lusty’. And Michael Kors has his own style of perfume… His ‘Fiji’ and ‘Hawaii’ for women are appealing… they remind me of both.

What first strikes you about Michael Kors’ selection is that there is something for everyone’s pocketbook! I had been looking for a large leather bag for my wife to put her purse, shoulder bag, dress shoes, camping equipment and other stuff… and he has several modestly priced that would work just fine. As for Neiman Marcus, my absolute favorite place to shop… bring your wallet or shop the sales.

Blogging about fashion is a bit unusual for me… but then, I don’t get tuned out when my wife and daughters talk… so, it’s all good. It does have it’s advantages, one woman told me recently:

 “a man who likes fashion is to women,  
as a woman who loves football is to men”…

I can appreciate that.

Roger Freberg