Handguns are worthless… Until you need one!

 My Browning automatic

Have you ever had to defend yourself or someone you love from an intruder?

Part of the worries of a modern world is waking up in the middle of the night to the sounds of someone breaking into your home. What will you do? Call 911 and hope someone comes along to save the day?

Unfortunately, all too often today, some people expect that someone else will teach our kids what they need to know, help us through our interpersonal relationships and defend us from the nasties of our world. Too few rely on themselves or take responsibility to solve their own challenges.

Part of this naive thinking is that if we some how control guns then violent crime will disappear, people will use words and not their fists and the trains will run on time.

Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a report on children’s deaths due to firearms. In 1999, 88 children died from firearm accidents. One article summarizes: “Far fewer children die each year in firearm incidents than from car accidents, fires, poisoning, suffocation, or drowning.”

Another effort to disarm Americans comes from the bastion of those ‘who know better than us what is good for us”…… the United Nations. Fortunately, the representative for the U.S. made our position very clear:

“The U.S. Constitution guarantees the rights of our citizens to keep and bear arms, and there will be no infringement of those rights. The United States will not agree to any provisions restricting civilian possession, use or legal trade of firearms inconsistent with our laws and practices. Many millions of American citizens enjoy hunting and the full range of firearm sports, and our work will not affect their rights and opportunities. As an officer of the executive branch of my government, I took an oath to protect the Constitution – a duty that is an honor to uphold.”

Lastly, having ‘dissuaded’ a couple of sweet guys from entering my home by placing the barrel of a handgun (like the one above) on his forehead as he opened our sliding door… I can tell you that I was glad to be in control of the situation. Not that it mattered, but I didn’t shoot them…. they ran away screaming… but then, it may have also been because I was naked. A 300 lb naked guy with a gun is scary enough.

What is really insulting is local police confiscating registered guns in the recent disaster in New Orleans. I would think that is when you really need to be armed! Fortunately, the NRA has also taken a strong position.

” To know what is right and not do it is the worst cowardice.” — Confucius


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