marinating, grilling lamb for sandwiches

the marinating of the lamb
Marinating Lamb for use in sandwiches makes all the difference

A while ago I wrote about the challenges of marination and tenderizing meats. The tougher the meat, the more important this process is for producing a result that everyone might enjoy. Lamb has always been one of my favorite dishes… but not Laura’s. I always wondered why? Not long ago, I realized that she hadn’t tried it since she was young and was served a very chewy piece. So, I decided to produced a nice lamb sandwich to reintroduce her to this wonderful meat.

The marination process is important and I thought I’d throw the kitchen sink at this task by using Kiwi fruit, pineapple and Papaya! Can we have some now? I love a sweet marinade with a bit of a bite, so here is what I used:

Sherry, Soy Sauce, and Olive Oil, lime juice


garlic, green onion

basic spices: cumin, pepper, chili, salt, cinnamon, coriander, cardamon, fenugreek, turmeric, fennel, cloves, ginger

sliced lamb
sliced lamb

Part of the challenge for making a great lamb sandwich is in slicing the lamb thinly prior to marination ( most people know that a thick piece of meat seldom allows the marination to reach the center of the section of meat). Many cooks will say that after the marination, take the lamb to the grill!!! Interestingly enough, placing your marinated lamb on a ‘George Foreman” grill gives great temperature control and perfect results.

… and Laura changed her mind, she loved her Lamb sandwich. Next, whole lamb on a spit!


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