the Secret of Dieting is BUTTER

How I make my diet really work!

Almost every person who diets will tell you the same old lie: don’t make food your reward. Well, that is sort of true. You can’t live to eat, but let’s remind ourselves that one of the REAL reasons we got as big as we did in the first place is because we do enjoy great food.

So what can anyone do faced with two opposing realities: the joy of wonderful food and the need to lose weight. I call it ‘event planning.’ Choose a few spots during the year on which your plan to escape from the rigors of your diet. Maybe this is your birthday, thanksgiving and a few others spread out over the months. On these occasions plan for something delightful on your special days. Maybe a  Seafood GumboBobotie ( Lamb Casserole)Hoender Pastei (chicken pot pie) , add a great wine followed by a special dessert and you have the beginnings of a memorable event.

Having a few events along the way helps support the rigors of your diet.

Good Luck,

Roger Freberg