without the ability to speak freely, we have nothing!

I can't resist "expressing myself" on any "free speech" wall and support my favorite on-campus organization! CLICK (on the picture) to see who it is!

Unless you have had your work or your existence censored or found yourself defending your free speech in a court of law, you probably take it for granted that you can have ‘an opinion.’ You might even think that having a popular opinion might protect you; however, this hasn’t worked in Syria, Iran or other places where the exercise of an opinion, no matter how innocent, is immune from persecution or death. I may seem a bit corny to remind others that many of those who signed the Declaration of Independence paid a great price for their exercise of free will. Free Speech is what democracies do…. it is what we are and without it we are like every other despotic system.

In the competitive market place of ideas, speaking freely allows us all to test our values and beliefs and redefine or reshape them, but this is heresy in many parts of the world. ‘Speech’ via ‘speech codes’ is also a central concept under attack in our academic environments. For those who would like to turn the direction of a new generation of our youth, they must manipulate our language to restrict the use of words, meanings and general expression. If you forbid some topics from being studied or discussed ( in some circles , these are referred to as ‘the undiscussables’) then the censors win and we lose and human progress is halted and frozen in time. Let me just add, that this is not a good thing.

Not every university is backward, the  University of Virginia has earned the coveted ‘GREEN’ light designation from  FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education). Only a few universities have been so honored. I recommend that you take the time to see what FIRE does to support free expression on college campuses…. and do what you can to support them. They deserve all our support no matter your political orientation.

I have been named in a suit back in December for blogs related to an issue of great ‘public interest.’ CHECK CalCoastNews.Com and their archive for more.

Stay tuned for more.

Roger Freberg

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