Are you a Supertaster?

My wife said,"oooU, I want to paint your tongue blue!' After a day or so it still hasn't gone away and all she can say is,"oh, I haven't seen that happen before?"

My bride is a Psychologist and for more than 40 years I have been her ‘lab rat.’ She has determined that I am a  ‘supertaster’  and felt that I would love to volunteer, have my tongue painted so she could photograph it! Well, whatever turns you on, I always say.

In any event, being a supertaster (25 % of Americans are) is not always a wonderful thing. We ‘taste’ something very intensely and many of us avoid things that are very strong tastes such as chili peppers. I do enjoy chili peppers, but I do admit they send me to the moon.

So, would I allow her to paint my tongue blue again? Probably… but the next time around it will be something different.

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