Controling Obesity by What We Buy!

Yep, aren't we thin!Probably one of the more interesting articles on controlling obesity through marketing food products that are more in-line with most people’s consumption habits is entitled: “De-Marketing Obesity” from the California Management Review vol. 47 No.4 Summer 2005.  (produced by Brian Wansink and Mike Huckabee)

Marketing Nutrition also by Brian Wansink is “a book that examines the intersection of consumer psychology, nutrition, and business.”

For me the four points that jumped out of the study:

1) 57% of consumers would pay 15% more for packaging ‘that helps them better control what they eat.’ Practically speaking, folks want multi-packs with smaller individual servings, and packaging that is ‘slightly more difficult to open, access and eat from.’

2) Change the Product but not the price. When prices go up on goodies, consumption also goes up … oddly enough

3) Small changes in the recipe will reduce calories without changing the perceived taste.

4) ‘Consider co-promoting healthy options, recipes…’

Many marketers are already utilizing the principles. Jenny Craig is a master at all of these principles. Anyone who has had to wrestle a ‘Jenny Craig’ package KNOWS that this is ‘part of the dining experience!’ The food is very low calorie and low fat, but tastes very close to ‘the high priced spread’ and this makes all the difference! The chocolate cake is delicious!

So…. what are you waiting for?

Roger Freberg