Coffee is Life!

A single servnig coffee pot!

Every couple has a battle ground… and we are not an exception. The coffee pot isn’t big enough for the two of us! I keep asking Laura to do a ‘Coffee fast’… but she just gives me ‘the look.’

Confidentially, we do have a 100 cup percolator coffee maker … but we keep it in the garage as it is slightly more than the needs of the two of us… only slightly. When our daughters come home… the coffee pot is going continuously… I guess it could be worse.

My girls love the quantity of coffee… but they are very particular about the quality… they enjoy their coffee mild ( which I suspect the reason is because of the higher caffeine content… or did you already know that?)

Ahhhh… I think I want another cup of coffee!

FUN coffee links:

Kona Coffee Council

Coffee of Tonga!

Roger Freberg