John McCain Rocks!

Rudy endorses john
I have nothing but admiration for Rudy and his endorsement of John McCain is nothing less than a real class act.

Having lived and worked in crime capital of New York City in the 70’s and witnessed the transformation under Rudy … I was amazed! His leadership after 911 was no less spectacular. Here’s an excerpt of an email Rudy sent to everyone who supported him:

‘Our nation’s next President must understand and make a commitment to keep us on offense in the Terrorists’ War on Us. He must understand that stimulating our economy requires cutting taxes, because you make better decisions with your money than Washington bureaucrats. He must be committed to ending illegal immigration and securing our borders. And he must use free-market principles to make health care more affordable for all Americans.

I believe John McCain is that man. He is the right leader to move us forward, unite our party and transform Washington. I hope that you will join me in supporting him to be the next President of the United States.

As I look forward to the road ahead, I am optimistic because I believe America’s best days are still to come. Our country has a bright future, but we must work together to ensure that our shared prosperity creates new and better opportunities for us all.’

Best Wishes,


Roger Freberg

PS. John McCain will make a great President

Do you KNOW a Soldier?

our military family members

A lot has happened since World War II, most Americans do not know a soldier. I guess this is part of the fall out from the ‘volunteer’ army. I would suspect that soldiers are coming primarily from what we call ‘military families’ and certain geographical areas of our country.

I wouldn’t be so bold as to say we are a military family, but we have had a fair few. I have pictured two above…  my daughter Kristin (Iraq)  and her Uncle Jim (Afghanistan). We are proud of them.

The world is becoming an increasingly challenging place to live… and survive. Take the time to know who is on OUR side.

Roger Freberg

For me this election represents a watershed of sorts… whether we continue to look honestly at the world and protect those and what we love… or not. I am watching to see who Jimmy Carter endorses… then voting the opposite.

The Wonder inside an Autistic Mind

Karla the family historian

Our daughter Karla is ‘autistic’… but brilliant. It never ceases to amaze me as to how the autistic mind works… especially when it displays remarkable insight, remarkable brilliance and remarkable compassion. These are traits that I admire greatly.

Karla is not only an accomplished video game master, but our family historian capturing various large and small events on film…. often with amusement. However one personal insight I found in a family email that… touched me and needs no explanation:

“Poor Mom the Bird. According to your talks, some of her old family members are not feeling too well. Her brother is diagnosed with cancer, and now that grandma is feeling sick as well. Now, if she loses them or one of them, and if you hear Mom crying and shedding in tears, please tell me to give Mom the Bird a HUG and make sure that she FEELS COMFORTABLE..I know crud like this is very hard on her, and we do the best we can to keep her happy and comfy.

Sorry for this note. But I am giving you some thoughts and good advice, just in case. I know you need help from me whenever you need help. And I do my best to make you happy.”

Roger Freberg

PS. Laura has a recent Blog on Autism

Perfecting the Chocolate Eclair!

perfecting the Chocolate Eclair
My eldest daughter Kristin wanted to perfect the Chocolate Eclair… and I have to admit, although  I love the recipe from “the Epicurean”,  I wanted an Eclair larger than the size of two Lady fingers.

My ‘larger’ Eclairs — although delicious — became a bit unwieldy, so it made sense to find ‘molds for them! I found some  great ones on Amazon.Com.

So… now you know what we do when we are not on Jenny Craig!

Roger Freberg