Student Apathy? … who says?

Gettnig a little help from our friends


 When you hear about teachers — college or high school — complain about ‘student apathy’… what they really are saying is,” hey, I can’t get these brats to agree with me or change their minds.’ boo hoo

Ralph Nader — lifetime weenie man — spoke to a virtually empty house at my alma mater recently… and folks trotted out the ‘student apathy’ line. If people wanted to hear him… they would come and no amount of ‘extra credit’ from professors seemed to help the attendance.

Take a trip on GOOGLE and you will find a large number of folks wringing their hands about the problem of student apathy… but what they don’t know is that life today is very different from the times of successful leftist rhetoric.. the late 60’s and early 70’s. The ideology of the left has failed.. and everyone knows it.  I also lived in those times and watched fellow college students travel from campus to campus stirring things up, looking for a party and leaving a mess… all the while sucking on momma and daddy. We paid our own way though college… it wasn’t easy.

Today’s youth is committed to the future… it belongs to them. Many young men have put off college and sought a masculine life denied them throughout school… the world belongs to them too. Let’s remember, the military is composed of ‘volunteers”… yep, ‘volunteerism’ is something the leftists preach, so one would think that joining the military would be cool with them… uh huh… riiight

Nader warned students — the few who attended — that “Politics will be onto you in a very vengeful manner.” Well, it doesn’t look too good for you, Ralph. I know, it isn’t easy benig green anymore.  Students are not quite so gullible… they ask their speakers, ” what are you going to do for me? How is anything you say going to make my life better? and… what’s it gonna cost me?”

Well, the world is changing , dude… get used to it.

Blogging : BOO HOOs

Crying from Ohio Journalist
Boo hoos from Harvard
Definition: Student Apathy — when you won’t do what I say

Roger Freberg