Perfecting the Chocolate Eclair!

perfecting the Chocolate Eclair
My eldest daughter Kristin wanted to perfect the Chocolate Eclair… and I have to admit, although  I love the recipe from “the Epicurean”,  I wanted an Eclair larger than the size of two Lady fingers.

My ‘larger’ Eclairs — although delicious — became a bit unwieldy, so it made sense to find ‘molds for them! I found some  great ones on Amazon.Com.

So… now you know what we do when we are not on Jenny Craig!

Roger Freberg

Indoctrinate U. and today’s University

Did indoctrinate U. Make me Famous?
For those of you who haven’t heard about what’s happenin’ on college campuses today…let’s just say … it’s not all good.

Evan Coyne Maloney has produced a fascinating film — entitled ” Indoctrinate U.” — on what might be called ‘political correctness’ on college campuses.

One review:

“The Weekly Standardsaid, “The documentary combines relatively shocking footage (one professor excitedly tells the camera “whiteness is a form of racial oppression . . . treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity”) with snappy editing to create a documentary that bounces quickly from subject to subject.”

Upcoming screenings of the film can be found on their site!

On one hand, on many campuses there exists a hyper-sensitivity to sexually displaying a banana on a campus, ‘hurting’ or ‘offending’ someone’s feelings…. whereas displaying our American Flag could become grounds for suspension some places. The inmates are running the asylum.

So, what has this to do with me? Yep, I may be in the film. For 7 years, my wife — the professor — struggled for existence with Cal Poly San Luis Obispo … and succeeded. And what happened to — in my humble opinion — the “bad guys?”... they eventually all received big raises and promotions.

If you get a chance… check it out. If it hadn’t happened to me… I’d be laughing.

Roger Freberg