Cancer & other ‘comedies’

Quotes are a wonderful way of not having to reinvent the wheel…

” Tragedy is when I cut my finger, comedy is when you walk into sewer and die.” -Mel Brooks ( as related by Jerry Bunin)

zLeroy SieversAll of us tend to be preoccupied about things that affect our lives and we –hopefully — have a few folks on the planet that we care about nearly as much… and maybe, a bit more. However, the reality is that we never really know what the other person is going through until we ourselves are faced with similar serious issues. In fact, some people have a real difficult time putting themselves in another person’s ‘moccasins’ even in simplest things… we call this inability… lack of empathy.

I don’t believe in ‘sympathy’ which you can find in the dictionary somewhere between SH*T and SYPHILLUS, but empathy is much more. Empathy is genuine.
But for many of us, seeing what others face provides understanding and courage … for ourselves in the issues we deal with today and down the road.

I have blogged about this before… but this site — for as long as it continues — it is well worth the look. LEROY SIEVERS

Roger Freberg