The Wonder inside an Autistic Mind

Karla the family historian

Our daughter Karla is ‘autistic’… but brilliant. It never ceases to amaze me as to how the autistic mind works… especially when it displays remarkable insight, remarkable brilliance and remarkable compassion. These are traits that I admire greatly.

Karla is not only an accomplished video game master, but our family historian capturing various large and small events on film…. often with amusement. However one personal insight I found in a family email that… touched me and needs no explanation:

“Poor Mom the Bird. According to your talks, some of her old family members are not feeling too well. Her brother is diagnosed with cancer, and now that grandma is feeling sick as well. Now, if she loses them or one of them, and if you hear Mom crying and shedding in tears, please tell me to give Mom the Bird a HUG and make sure that she FEELS COMFORTABLE..I know crud like this is very hard on her, and we do the best we can to keep her happy and comfy.

Sorry for this note. But I am giving you some thoughts and good advice, just in case. I know you need help from me whenever you need help. And I do my best to make you happy.”

Roger Freberg

PS. Laura has a recent Blog on Autism