hunting for the wild and elusive uni

Fresh from Catalina Seafood CLICK on picture to read more about this deliciously wonderful ingredient!
"UNI" the heart of a cultivated taste for Sushi! 😉 Fresh from Catalina Seafood CLICK on picture to read more about this wonderful ingredient

When I was a child, finding ‘fresh uni’ was challenging as was finding great sushi. However, today we have wonderful sushi restaurants – not only in California – but around the world. My daughter Karen took great delight in sending me a few pictures of some  great sushi at Balducci’s in Capetown, South Africa! Karen can be so cruel! 😉

Now, it is great living in San Luis Obispo, California; however, there is a downside. The downside is that there are a lot of folks here who don’t want the place to change. It does feel like Alice falling down the rabbit hole when you hear people debating whether or not ‘sewers’ should be built? Never-the-less, the winds of positive change move even the most stubborn mountains and the first elements of civilization are making there way here… including great sushi.

Call it habit, stubbornness or perfection, but I have always enjoyed making my own sushi starting with the finest and freshest ingredients. Thanks to the internet, we can buy ‘uni and delivered to this far flung outpost’.

Now, maybe my daughters will be a bit envious?

life is a bowl of bagels

life is a bowl of bagels
CLICK on image for full bagel recipe and step-by-step guide

I always thought I knew what a bagel was until I lived back east. It was that experience working in New York City that gave me a real taste for them. Now-a-days, salads can go for upwards of $ 35, I hate to think what a nice bagel sandwich might cost? In any event , I love to make my own!

Whether it be onion or blueberry, nothing quite satisfies like a bagel!

bon appetite!