surfs up on flipboard

flipboard for ipad
Flipboard for iPad is UNBELIEVABLE! CLICK on the picture above to read about it!

My daughter Karen  first turned me on to FLIPBOARD; but unfortunately for me, at the time, flipboard was swamped!  It was like a million people trying to rush through a very small door… and they put me on their waiting list! Today, I was sent a kind email saying that my turn came up… and I rushed to the iPad to log it all in!

With Flipboard you can read all of the social media sites you wish to keep up on! For me that is twitter and facebook! On facebook, I can keep up with friends and family… and then follow a small group of friends and other culinary folks on twitter!

reading facebook on flipboard
zooming in on a picture or a message is easy! Here I am reading a comment of Laura's

However, iPad jealousy is a sad thing! The critics of the iPad sound all too much like the folks who originally dissed the personal computer, the lap top and the smart phone. Some people just hate technology and the social connectivity that it offers all of us. Some understand that information is power and they really don’t want us to share and connect… let’s face it, some folks just don’t want you to have fun! In the meantime, flipboard for ipad is a wonderful addition to the social media experience!