What REALLY is Mexican Lasagna?


The short answer is… WHO KNOWS?

I think nearly everyone has tried something called “Mexican Lasagna” or at least heard of it. However, like some of the other dishes I have written about… Beef Stroganoff and Chicken Tetrazinni for example… often the name is the only thing that any of the recipes have in common. Sometimes the recipes become so blurred as in the case of the Stroganoff and the Tetrazinni that the only difference is that one has beef and the other has chicken… this is just wrong.

In any event, researching something called “Mexican Lasagna” was particularly challenging. This would indicate to me that the recipe is a ‘fusion.’ That is… it is a concept that came from two different cultural identities. The word ‘Lasagna’ — for example — can be traced back to the Roman and then back to the original Greek meaning ‘ cooking pot.’ This should sound familiar… we use the name ‘casserole’ to describe almost anything that is cooked in a dish.

So what is “Mexican Lasagna?”

The way most of us today think of Lasagna is as food served in layers. In the case of Italian Lasagna, we have basic layers of noodles and cheese. Many Mexican Lasagnas have layers of cheese slipped between deep fried corn tortilla strips… although this isn’t always the case. Adding to the confusion, there are several dishes that resemble ‘Mexican Lasagna’ under the names of ‘Chicken Mexicali’ or ‘Mexican Cheese Bake’ and the like.

On Saturday, we will be fixing “Mexican Lasagna” and in the true spirit of ‘fusion’ cooking… it will take the best — I believe– of all worlds!

Roger Freberg

the best wine for the occasion? I would suggest something hearty … but beer (Tres Equis if you can find it) is wonderful!

NOTE: to those who have emailed me… I will post our recipe late Saturday, thanks!