Vanessa Redgrave an idiot for all seasons

Who's side is she really on?

Okay, it’s time to sound a little political again.

Vanessa Redgrave may sound to some like a Joan of the leftist Arc … to me she just doesn’t make any sense at all.

In history, there had to be those who opened the gates of Cartage in the name of peace to the Roman armies, others tries to negotiate with Genghis Khan and still others tried to appease the likes of Adolf Hitler and Persian tyrants… all with predictably disastrous results!

So why am I surprised that Vanessa Redgrave after a life of supporting the bad guys is now reaching out her peaceful hand to Al Qaeda terrorists?

Having watched Vanessa for years, I really can’t figure out whether she is a naive idealist… or just hates everybody in the world but ‘the bad guys?’

Roger Freberg