The Best Christmas Presents are the ones you remember

I think there are very few children that don’t love the Christmas as it approaches… especially the gifts and the exquisite food prepared once a year!

Certainly, I am one of the biggest kids around. I have never really been much for receiving presents… although that is always appreciated… I have enjoyed giving them and watching the smiles erupt from little happy faces!

When our children were young, I would ask them to make a list and then rank them in order as to which one they wanted most. Interestingly enough, more often than not the top presents were not the most expensive. I would start buying at the top and then stop when the ‘budget’ ran out…. they understood that ‘Santa’s” purse wasn’t limitless and it gave them a chance to make choices.

The biggest present that I enjoy the most… a phone call.

Roger Freberg

PS. My happiest memory… when they still thought I WAS Santa.