My Best Salsa for Kristin

Salsa made with love for Kristin

I decided to play around with Salsas, primarily looking for something simple yet recognizable. There were certain given items when you look at a recipe like this… but there were a few ingredients that are very important to me… the least of which is GARLIC!

So, here is what I am enjoying as I write this blog:

‘Salsa for  Kristin

the juice of one lime
1 — large white sweet onion
1 — bunch cilantro (no stems)
4 — Chipolte Chilies
1/4 cup Garlic ( or more!)

place above mixture in your food processor and reduce to your preferred consistancy

move mixture to a large bowl and add:
2 — cans diced tomatoes ( with garlic/bell peppers)

Season to your taste with the following —
Salt & Pepper
Adobo Sauce (from the can of Chipoltes)

for a even little more zest… add a dash or so of Parika and/or Cayenne Pepper

Next, break out the bag of chips (or make your own which is much better) and a little beer and watch a game!

Roger Freberg